Children with Autism eating vegetables

Understanding the Impact of Diet on Children with Autism: Strategies for Expanding Food Diversity

The role of diet in the well-being of children with autism is a topic of increasing interest and importance. Parents and caregivers often observe that children with autism can be particularly sensitive to foods, displaying strong preferences or aversions. This sensitivity is not just a matter of taste but is intricately linked to sensory processing differences, gastrointestinal issues, and nutritional concerns common among individuals on the spectrum. This blog aims to explore how diet impacts children with autism, delve into the reasons behind their food sensitivities and pickiness, and offer strategies to encourage a more diverse diet.

How Does Diet Impact Children with Autism?

Diet plays a crucial role in the overall health and behavior of children with autism. Certain food compounds can affect mood, cognitive function, and physical health. For example, gluten and casein, found in wheat and dairy products respectively, can sometimes exacerbate behavioral symptoms in some children with autism, although scientific evidence is mixed and individual responses vary.

Moreover, gastrointestinal (GI) issues are more common in children with autism than their neurotypical peers. These issues can include constipation, diarrhea, and abdominal pain, which may influence food preferences and aversions due to associated discomfort.

Why Are Children with Autism So Sensitive and Picky with Foods?

There are several reasons why children with autism may display sensitivity and pickiness towards food, including:

  • Sensory Processing Differences: Many children with autism have heightened sensory sensitivities. Textures, colors, smells, and tastes of foods can be overwhelming, leading them to prefer bland or specific types of food.
  • Gastrointestinal Discomfort: As mentioned, GI issues can make certain foods uncomfortable to digest, leading to avoidance.
  • Routine and Predictability: Children with autism often prefer routine and predictability, which extends to their eating habits. They may resist trying new foods simply because they are unfamiliar.
  • Nutritional Deficiencies: Picky eating can lead to nutritional imbalances, which can further impact behavior and health, creating a cyclical challenge.

How Can I Get My Child to Be More Diverse in What They Are Willing to Eat?

Expanding the diet of a child with autism can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. Here are some strategies that may help:

  1. Introduce New Foods Slowly: Start with small changes. Introduce new foods gradually and in a non-pressuring way. Pairing new foods with familiar favorites can help.
  2. Engage in Sensory Play: Sensory play activities that involve touching, smelling, and playing with foods outside of mealtime can decrease anxiety around new foods.
  3. Create a Positive Mealtime Environment: Make mealtimes stress-free and enjoyable. Avoid pressuring your child to eat and celebrate small successes.
  4. Involve Your Child in Food Preparation: Participation in meal preparation can increase a child’s interest in trying new foods. Simple tasks like washing vegetables or stirring can make a big difference.
  5. Consider Food Textures: If texture is a significant issue, start with new foods that have similar textures to those your child already likes.
  6. Seek Professional Advice: A dietitian or nutritionist specializing in autism can provide personalized advice and support, including identifying any nutritional deficiencies and recommending supplements if necessary.
  7. Consistency and Patience: Remember, changes in diet and accepting new foods can take time. Consistency and patience are key.


Dietary preferences and sensitivities in children with autism are complex and multifaceted. While challenging, encouraging a more diverse diet is important for their health and development. Understanding the underlying reasons for food selectivity can provide a foundation for implementing strategies tailored to each child’s needs. With patience, creativity, and professional support, it is possible to gradually expand the dietary horizons of children with autism, contributing to their overall well-being and quality of life.

Verbal AUTISM provides the most practical app that makes it easier for children with autism to speak as well as providing all the tools needed to effectively teach. Available on Apple App Store and on Google Play Store.

Taylour Arami

Taylour Arami

Taylour Arami is a Special Education teacher with a M.Ed. in Special Education and the Co-Founder of Verbal AUTISM and Verbal Academic Support, an innovative educational app designed to support individuals with communication challenges. Read More